Mastering the data flood with FRAMENCE

Data comes at us from every direction. Whether it’s from BIM (Building Information Modeling), GIS (Geographic Information Systems), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), IoT sensors, or field-level data. This wealth of information is crucial for the successful operation of any company. It also presents an enormous challenge: interpreting and using it meaningfully. Effective data management…


Find answers twice as fast with FRAMENCE

In today’s business world, time is literally money, and efficient information management is crucial to a company’s success. According to recent studies, employees spend on average around 30% of their working time searching for necessary information( For a company with 1,000 employees, this can mean costs of over 2,500,000 euros per year. In light of…


Integrate asset data into your digital twin with AI and OCR

Today’s production facilities are marvels of complexity, churning out vast quantities of data throughout their operational lifespan. To navigate this wealth of information, which is dispersed across various IT systems and databases, facilities tag their systems. These tags can be scanned by technicians on-site with mobile devices, allowing them to swiftly identify the system and…


GIS and data: Framence as a potential bridge between two worlds

For decades, geographic information systems (GIS) have stood as essential tools in managing, analyzing, and decision-making concerning infrastructure. From cable routes to roadways, campuses to industrial plants, and even entire cities: GIS offers a robust framework for understanding complex networks. Its utility has been highlighted in various spheres, such as the breakdown of COVID-19 incidence…


A health check approach for production facilities

In the rapidly evolving landscape of manufacturing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial for success. As production facilities grapple with complex machinery, varying degrees of automation, and extensive plant infrastructure, identifying areas for improvement becomes paramount. To address this need, we joined forces with MA² Consulting Group to develop a groundbreaking ‘Health Check’ approach…


Spot every detail with “Pixel Insight”

In many situations, large-scale images reach their limits, especially when it comes to clearly recognizing certain details such as text on signs. This can lead to delays, doubts, and numerous on-site inspections of your production facility, especially in industrial environments where precise information is crucial. That’s why we’ve introduced Pixel Insight into our digital twins,…


Finding a needle in a haystack: Image-based object recognition

Identifying and precisely locating objects and assets in extensive and complex systems represent a considerable challenge in the industrial environment. Technicians often have to carry out inspection or maintenance work on different assets of the same type. These assets are located in different places within the industrial plant. Because the exact location of these assets…


Measuring objects accurately in photorealistic digital twins

For a digital representation to be actually useful, it needs to have specific features that enable users to operate as if they were physically present on-site. One of these crucial features is the precise measurement of objects or areas. Thanks to the pixels embedded in Framence’s dimensional photorealistic digital twins, conducting highly precise measurements is…
